

How to find an INNER PEACE you never knew existed

“To be calm is the highest achievement of the self.”

Everyday life can be occupied, chaotic and on occasion overpowering. It might at times want to bring only somewhat more internal harmony and smoothness into your life is a miserable wish. However, there are approaches to discover and keep up internal peace.

So to characterize what inward harmony is. Internal harmony isn’t a condition of latency and surely doesn’t make life dull. Despite what might be expected, it makes you more cognizant, alive and upbeat. It encourages you to carry on with life all the more completely. It is additionally a decision, and a considerable lot of your propensities decide how much harmony you experience in your day by day life.

Inner harmony implies, in addition to other things, that there is no overthinking and an excess of dissecting of each circumstance. This is the condition of your brain. It is packed with musings, fears, stresses, and interminable reasoning. There is no space for new, various considerations. It is in a condition of strain and stress, continually bouncing starting with one idea then onto the next, similar to a butterfly jumping from one blossom to another.

For what reason is inner peace significant?

Genuine inner peace is free of outside conditions and circumtances. It gives peacefulness, internal concordance and balance, and the capacity to try to avoid panicking, undisturbed, and in charge of yourself, even in troublesome and horrendous circumstances.

It means a peaceful mind that can stay calm and recollected in every situation. Calmness enables you to handle more efficiently the daily affairs of life. It also improves your ability to focus your mind, since there will be fewer distracting thoughts.

Do not underestimate the importance of inner peace. It is of the utmost importance for everyone. So here are the 6 ways to inner peace that I want to share with you to enjoy life on a deeper and more satisfying level.

1. Breathe in, breathe out

Breathing forms the heart of all meditation methods. The breath inspires life by infusing the body with oxygen while it subtly inspires your being. This meditation helps you let go of habitual thoughts and worries. It frees your mind so you can experience your true nature, inner-peace, and pure aliveness.

Now, as you breathe normally through your nose, focus your awareness on your breathing. Feel the air moving in through your nose, and into your lungs.

Notice the gentle rise of your chest and abdomen as you breathe in. Feel the air as you breathe out and it leaves your body. Notice the sensations of its effects on your body.

With this meditation, you focus your attention and awareness on your breathing, following its repeating, rhythmic movement as you breathe in air and breathe out air.

So every time you feel uneasy, stress and in any unpleasant situations, always remember these simple steps. Breathing for a moment isn’t going to improve your lung capacity instead, deep breathing is a good way to reduce stress and keep you calm.

2. Be mindful

Mindfulness is about being fully aware of each moment in your life. Each thought, feeling, sensation and experience are accepted for what it is. There’s no battle going on in your head and heart. You are open to it all.

The first step is to become aware and begin to develop a vocabulary for how you’re feeling. Notice when you are “judging” your feelings and thoughts as good or bad, right or wrong.

Start each day telling yourself that you love yourself and that you are “enough”. Become aware of times when your little voice is being hard on you and practice being kinder to yourself.

By practicing self-love, you’d be integrating inner peace within your life. You can actively practice self-love by doing things that make you happy and lift your spirit. If your passion includes writing and reading books, then you can do these activities in your free time.

3. Affirmations

Positive affirmations are almost as easy to define as they are to practice. Put simply, they are positive phrases or statements used to challenge negative and unhelpful thoughts. Practising positive affirmations can be extremely simple. All you need to do is pick a phrase and repeat it to yourself.

Talk to yourself positively by using positive affirmations. Believe in yourself and remind yourself regularly that you will be okay.

By repeating these positive statements often, you engrave them on your subconscious mind and triggers your subconscious mind to act on your behalf, in accordance with the words that you are repeating.

So affirmations can, to a certain extent, calm down the mind, when you need inner peace.

4. Acceptance

The more we accept ourselves, the greater our peace of mind. We accept ourselves more and feel at ease in the world, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. We experience less insecurity and as a result, our inner peace is heightened.

Feeling peaceful or having emotional well being has nothing to do with what happens to us, it’s about learning the art of self-acceptance and mindfulness. So find time to connect with yourself every single day.

So start each day by telling yourself something really positive. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.

5. Worry less

Most of the time, many of us live in a state of worry in our life. And we find ourself asking questions like, will there ever be a day where it will feel like everything is alright? A day when we will become successful, happy, and calm, without ever feeling angry, think any negative thoughts or worry about anything.

Instead of letting those feelings and emotions control us, we can choose to stand in the place of authority and control them. This means to discipline yourself to let go of everything that can hinder your inner peace and contentment. When you do this, the negative emotions involved will stop as well.

So, set peace of mind as your highest goal and let go of any thought and emotion that disturbs you in any way.

6. See failure as a learning curve

A reprimand will be useless if you do not learn from it. It should act as your tool for improving yourself and doing better in the future. Learning from it, or at least from your mistake, is crucial.

Mistakes are things that we should not repeat in the future, so let us simply take them as a reminder. Making mistakes is normal and acceptable and a part of learning. But, not learning from them is unacceptable. So, learning from mistakes is a must if you want to grow.

Embracing failure is hard, but this is the step that you need to take in order to be fully free. It simply means that you are finally fine with things and that you understand that it happens to everyone.

So it also means that you are finally at peace with yourself, that you do not blame yourself, but rather forgive yourself.

Find an INNER PEACE you never knew existed.