
Life Coach Melbourne

Unlock Your Success

Expert Life and Business Coaching to Help You Achieve More with Confidence and Ease!

Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve what you truly desire with a step-by-step formula.

That’s where a life coach and life coaching programs are beneficial. I went through a few coaches until I found the right coach and program that suited me. It was then that I started to see the break throughs personally and professionally. I started to understand me and then I could make those changes that I desired to lead a more fulfilling life.

Finding the blueprint to success and implementing it in all areas of my life, I am now living the life of my dreams. Personal growth is a choice but once you choose you, you will see the changes in your relationships, health and career enabling you to live that life you dreamed of.

I loved the coaching so much that I become a life coach guiding
you with the same blueprint that I use to achieve the success I

do you want more??

I hear this a lot from clients who are feeling stuck, and I get excited because I know I can help them achieve anything they truly desire and have more in their life.

Life Coaching is trending and there are lots of life coaches out there. I know because many years ago I had a few. I never really got the results I truly wanted until I stumbled across Bob Proctor. He has since passed away but his legacy lives on. Bob Proctor’s personal coaching and being around his personal development services gave me what I truly desired. A blueprint to creating change within my life.

It was so good that I became a Proctor Gallagher Consultant and now one of my life coaching services is facilitating Bob’s Thinking into Results Program along with Lead the Field and Magic in You Mind.

These life coaching services have totally transformed my life and I can help you transform yours. Finding the right life coach in Melbourne is important because you want one with proven step by step formula’s. For all my life and career coaching click link here.

Some of the benefits of working with a life coach in areas like Melbourne, you gain clarity on what you truly desire both professionally and personally, overcome challenges you are facing that are holding you back and discover your true potential to achieve more.

As I mentioned, I have had life coaching for years and I would not be without a life coach. A life coach not only is someone on your side but there to cheer you on with all your life wins and guide you through the tough times.

With the advantages of modern technology, coaching sessions can be done online or via Zoom instead of face to face in an office in Melbourne. This enables you, the client, to have a life coaching experience suited around hours that work for you.

I used to live in Melbourne, and I know how fast paced and competitive the city is. I can only highlight the importance of investing in personal growth and development such as life coaching Melbourne to have that competitive edge whilst performing with a positive mindset for success and to achieve at a high standard. My coaching programs are designed to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of my Melbourne based clientele. Self-care is at the upmost importance of any coach and life coaching Melbourne is no different.

One of the many benefits of having a coach is the accountability in the coaching processing and I want you to succeed in whatever you choose. Therefore, I am always available through emails, or you can always set up a coaching call throughout your coaching with me.

For the past 5 years I have been a life coach and my passion is to help guide people to change their lives to achieve what they choose. I am a fully qualified life coach. With my coaching, I show you how to reprogram your mind to achieve. I have two coaching programs available to you.

The Intentional Confidence course is for those who want to take charge of their life but haven’t done any personal development before. I have had many clients love the easy online life coaching experience with easy-to-use portal that can be done in the privacy of their own home. Although it is a 7-week online course, you can go at your own pace and join in on the Facebook group discussions or watch later. Check out my program on my website here.

My 6 month Thinking into Results coaching course is the crème de la
crème program where people come when they want more out of life. I show you how to take back control of your life and watch how your dreams come true. Check out my program on my website here.

I do offer one-on-one coaching as well. These are via Zoom meetings and are once a week. For the full day experience, I do also make trips to do face to face coaching.

Deciding is often the hardest step. Procrastination sets in and 12 months later you are thinking the same and achieving the same. Wishing to achieve differently does not get you to where you want to be. It is making the decision to adopt new patterns and behaviours that creates the change.

My coaching sessions provide a safe, non-judgmental space for people to explore their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, fostering greater self-awareness and personal growth. No question is a wrong question. I am a life coach Melbourne providing services to those who want to be better.

Remove fear, doubt, and worry from your life and make the decision today to invest in yourself. It will be the best decision you will ever have made and in 12 months’ time you will need a telescope to look back at the old you. You will wish you had of made the decision to work on you sooner.

I find the more you invest in yourself both personally and professionally the more you can deal with the demands of life and what obstacles are thrown at you. Learn to understand your mind and achieve what you desire along with learning to love yourself and open yourself up to receive all the abundance and what life has to offer. Everything you desire is inside of you. When you remove the blocks, limiting beliefs and change the paradigms, watch the flow of what you want come to you.

Most people live in a circle of ignorance rather than a circle of influence. It starts with you and your mind. Understand your mind and you will understand how you can have the success you crave.

My favourite quote from Bob Proctor is “It’s not who you think you are, it’s who you think you are not!”

Work on you and your world changes.

To get you moving with your journey of transformation, please click the button to schedule a FREE 30 min coaching session with me.

Frequently Asked Questions

With my coaching I teach you how to understand your mind and how to remove the negative outside influences and fill up your cup with what you need to achieve. With a little understanding of how you tick, you will be overcoming challenges and ticking goals in no time.

My online coaching services are easy to use and at your service any time of the day. The courses are yours for your life and you can go and revisit them anytime you please. The once-a-week Facebook group coaching enables you to meet other like-minded people and learn from their questions.

All my details are on my website www.shelleylangan.com where you can book a coaching call and purchase your coaching programs.

If you were to do a private coaching session, we could meet via zoom once a week. If you were doing the group coaching session, they are also once a week via Facebook.

My coaching is for all who want to become a better version of themselves and achieve. Parents, Executives, Entrepreneurs; there
is no specific demographic or profession for my coaching programs.

I have been life coaching for 5 years and I love what I do. I love to guide and help people to achieve what they desire in their life. I have engaged several life coaching services but it wasn’t until I came across the material of Bob Proctor that I really came alive. I become a life coach because I love being coached myself and whilst having life coaching in Melbourne I wrote my first life coaching program. It was then I decided to become a qualified life coach, business coach and get into career coaching. I have never looked back.

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