
Women's Life Coaching


Have you ever wondered why other women can do it all and make it look so easy?

Do you want to live the lifestyle you dream of? Do you want to be a better version of yourself, have more time for you and your family whilst earning more money and effortlessly??

Today women are doing more, having more responsibility in their jobs along with being a mum, wife, lover, pet owner, taxi driver, chef and so much more. Women are busier than they have ever been and with modern technology, we can be contacted at any time of the day, prioritising some ‘me’ time seems to get harder and harder. Self-care is a must in my life. Learning steps to fill up your cup first to then allow yourself to fill others.

I am glad you are reading this page!

You are in the right place! As a women’s life coach, my coaching guides my clients to understand the root cause of self-sabotaging whether it be business or personal and achieve the results they truly desire. When you understand where the root cause is, you then can change any result in your life and achieve anything you want to achieve.

I have had women clients take their business products globally, clients mend relationships with family members and go on to achieve amazing results for themselves. I have also had clients find that work/life balance and many gain confidence within themselves to gain that worth they had lost.

I have found that having a life coach has always been my success. Having a like-minded person in my corner guiding me to achieve. Life Coaching is trending and there are many life coaches out there. I never really got the results I genuinely wanted until I stumbled across Bob Proctor. He has since passed away but his legacy lives on. Bob Proctors as a personal coach and being around his personal development services gave me what I truly desired. The proven blueprint to creating change within my life.

It was so good that I became a Proctor Gallagher Consultant and now one of my life coaching services is facilitating Bob’s Thinking into Results Program along with Lead the Field and Magic in You Mind.

This life coaching work has totally transformed my life and I can help you transform yours. Finding the right life coach is important because you want one with proven step by step formulas. For all my personal life and performance coaching click link here.

Some of the benefits of working with a woman’s life coach, you gain clarity on what you truly desire both professionally and personally, overcome challenges you are facing that are holding you back and discover your true potential to achieve more. Working on life goals through coaching work to identify your purpose and passion.

One of the best things I ever did for myself was to understand my mind. It is what leads to success in every aspect of our lives. Some of my clients, once having learnt this step and understand their mind and how it works have changed their lives for the better. Going from always blaming others for their lack of results or thoughts they were having to understanding how to have the thoughts and achieve results that work for them.

With the advantages of modern technology, life coaching sessions are online or via Zoom instead of face to face in an office somewhere in Australia. This enables you, you and all my coaching clients to have a life coach experience suited around hours that work for you.

Sometimes navigating life can be tough and with many questions. As I love being a life coach my passion is to guide you through the tough times and provide you with steps that give you a bullet proof avenue to success.

For the past 5 years I have been a professional life coach, and my passion is to help guide people to change their lives to achieve what they choose. I am a fully qualified life coach. With my coaching I show you how to reprogram your mind to achieve. I have two coaching programs available to you.

The Intentional Confidence course is for those who want to take charge of their life but have not done any personal development before. I have had many clients love the easy online life coaching experience with easy-to-use portal that can be done in the privacy of their own home. Although it is a 7-week online course, you can go at your own pace and join in on the Facebook group discussions or watch later. Check out my program on my website here.

My 6 month Thinking into Results coaching course is the crème de la crème program where people come when they want more out of life. I show you how to take back control of your life and watch how your dreams come true. Check out my program on my website here.

I do offer one-to-one coaching as well which is via Zoom meetings and are once a week. I also do make trips to do face to face for a full day experience.

My coaching sessions provide a safe, non-judgmental space for people to explore their thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, fostering greater self-awareness and personal growth. No question is a wrong question. I am a life coach providing services to those who want to be better.

Remove fear, doubt, and worry from your life and make the decision today to invest in yourself. It will be the best decision you will ever have made and in 12 months’ time you will need a telescope to look back at the old you. You will wish you had of made the decision to work on you sooner.

Unlock the Secrets to Unshakable Confidence

Discover the transformative power of “21 Habits to Unshakable Confidence” by renowned life coach and mindset expert, Shelley. This groundbreaking book is packed with proven strategies and practical insights to help you cultivate unwavering self-confidence and achieve the success you deserve.

Key Takeaways:

  • Develop self-confidence through goal-setting and finding your purpose
  • Identify and overcome limiting beliefs holding you back
  • Implement practical methods to build confidence and reduce stress
  • Prioritise personal growth and self-care for lasting confidence

Whether you’re seeking to boost your self-esteem, overcome fears, or take your life to new heights, this book is your ultimate guide. Embark on a transformative journey to unleash your inner confidence and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your life. Get your copy of “21 Habits to Unshakable Confidence” today and take the first step towards a more confident, fulfilling future!

To get you moving with your journey of transformation, please click the button to schedule a FREE 30 min coaching session with me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Limiting beliefs and self-sabotage is a pattern built over time. Through my coaching and guiding women to understand their conscious, subconscious mind and paradigms, I teach my clients why paradigms hold them back and how changing a paradigm removes those patterns. I teach my clients how to create new habits that lead to success. Change your paradigm, change your life!

As a women’s life coach, I guide them to understand what they really want. Something that excites them and creates a desire and passion inside. Once their goal is identified I teach them the steps that I use on a daily basis of gratitude, affirmations, journal writing to start with. I teach them how to understand their moods, vibrational energy and what they are putting out to the world, is what they are receiving. I also guide them on giving. Be a go-giver not just a go-getter. The more you give in all forms, the goodness returns. Not necessarily who you gave too as well.

I am not a personal brand coach, although I know some. I am a success coach in lifestyle and business. I work with understanding your mind and universal laws and how to achieve what you want in the shortest amount of time. Individuals block themselves to understanding where the root cause is and being able to change that is key.

Self-worth or self-esteem is how we see ourselves. It is that judgement we have of ourselves that does not serve us. In fact, it is what holds us back. I coach my clients to remove that fear, doubt and worry and how to upgrade their self-images and how they see themselves. Success comes when we have the best image of ourselves. I am not talking just externally but I am taking about that inner voice that is usually so critical.

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