

what is a paradigm

What is a Paradigm?

Paradigms — what are they? Is it a buzzword for the information age? It is very well maybe, but it’s one you need to seriously consider. Because if you’re like most people, paradigms are controlling every move you make. Paradigms are a multitude of habits that guide every move you

change your perspective change your life

Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life

True Story… My youngest daughter had been accused of bullying. The parents of the other child sent my daughter a text message threatening her. They threatened that if she did not stop, they would talk to the school and us (her parents). Some of the parents of the other children

how to improve your self-worth

How to Improve your Self-Worth

How you see yourself and what you think you are worth can change very quickly. You have 2 self-images. You have an outside image which is how you walk, talk, eat, dress, and speak.  This is how the outside world sees you. You have an inner self-image that is all

life coach versus therapist

Life Coach Vs. Therapist

One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching is that it is therapy with an unlicensed and unqualified practitioner. In fact, life coaching is a unique service helping ambitious achievers design their life that enables them to bring success and fulfillment in all areas of life. Here are some of the differences between a life

the powerful words I am

The Powerful Words “I AM”

“I am” would have to be the two most powerful words used in the English language. Well, that is what I think anyway. Words have the power to create and they have the power to destroy. Have you ever heard yourself saying:- I am not good enough I am broke

coaching for success

Coaching for SUCCESS

I am a Coach and I have a Coach.  I would not be without one. Personal Coaches provide that support that family and friends may not provide because they don’t understand your desire for success. So, what is it you really want?? Do you want to earn more MONEY, have a


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